Schroeder Roofing is the premier roofer in Fort Collins who you can trust. With the experience that our roofers have, there is no one better in business than Schroeder Roofing. Fort Collins roofing is booming. If you are a resident of the area, then you know that we have endured some pretty wicked storms which have started to destroy our roofs more than we had imagined. Just last week we were hit with the storm of the century which dropped baseball sized hail on many folks’ roofs. Were you one of the homeowners affected by this? If so, start reading on how to choose a roof replacement company by following these steps:
Make sure the Fort Collins roofing company you are searching for has all of the proper licenses they need to give you the roof that you are in dire need of.
Have you completed research on the company to be sure that they are legitimate? You can do this by asking for their tax identification number, email, contact number, business email and business address.
Do you know if the roofer you’ve hired has insurance? You can ask for proof of insurance to be sure that they are covering liability coverage and worker’s compensation. Keep in mind that this is not a mandatory coverage in all cities, but if you want to save yourself from a lawsuit, we suggest you hire someone with coverage.
Don’t worry, we have more steps for you! If you would like to continue becoming aware of the steps you should follow when choosing a professional roofing company, check back on the 16th of July to read the grand finale of this blog.